Know the Warning Signs

Growing up, I was unaware I had a mental illness. Unlike other children, I had extreme anxiety going to school, excessive worrying, sleepless nights.

As an adult, my anxiety and depression kept growing and manifested into habits that were hurtful to my body.

Finally, I reached a point where I knew there had to be more than just how I felt. I was able to learn more about my mental illness and take control.

I found this great article at NAMI.Org, and it lists warning signs that you or your loved one may be experiencing mental health issues.

Know the Warning Signs

Never be afraid of reaching out for help or talking to a mental health professional. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Take care of your “creativity organ”.

With Love,

Amber Lynn Carroll

A.k.a Jake’s sister

(Disclosure: I do not own rights to this article or media in this blog post. We share blog posts, media, articles, etc. to point people in a gentle direction towards learning more about mental health.)